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Oscar Martin: “In this sector, if there is a problem it is the driver’s fault- Not at Ontruck though.”

Oscar Martin
With 26 years of experience in the world of transport, the sector veteran speaks openly about the best and worst things about his profession. He has two vehicles, one of which he uses 100% with Ontruck.

Before and after finding out about Ontruck
Oscar worked the same route that he does now with his first vehicle. He then acquired a second vehicle which he used to serve a package delivery company where he worked until he found out about Ontruck. He has been here ever since -  1 year and 9 months now!

Why did you start working for Ontruck?

I started accepting some jobs to top up my weekly earnings and subsequently, you began to contact me when you needed additional trucks. I got to know the team personally and the truth is your enthusiasm rubbed off on me. It convinced me to start working for you.

What do you like most about working for Ontruck?

What I like the most is I feel at ease with the entire team. Whenever there is a problem we try to solve it together, there is never any reprimanding etc. Normally in this sector, the whip is cracked and the driver is held responsible. Here it is the complete opposite.

In what ways does Ontruck make your life better, if that is the case?

I wake up excited to go to work. You look forward to what you are going to do. I am no longer left feeling frustrated like I have in the past.

What do you consider to be the best thing about your profession?

It seems that taking a truck and going out on the road must be vocational. I really value the freedom that we have when compared to a job where you are trapped between four walls. True, when it rains you get wet, but you are also driving, and when the sun comes out you can see it. And sometimes a rainbow too (smiles.)

What are your main day to day concerns?

Right now I am waiting for my other driver to tell me that everything has gone well. He sends me a message saying that there were no problems and I already know that the truck is stationary, the dispatch notes have been delivered and he is going home. From then on it’s up to me.

Do you feel like the rest of society understands a driver’s job?

No. People don’t appreciate that the products they consume on a daily basis all arrive and are transported by truck. For example, right now Madrid City Council has an anti-truck stance. If they don’t let trucks in, things don’t work, goods have to be transported from one place to another.

With the developments in transport, how do you see yourself working
in 5 years?

I would like to have another truck with Ontruck and ultimately a total of 4 trucks. That is what I set as a ceiling so that it generates a good revenue but I can have everything under control. Everything can change in a short space of time, but if we continue doing as well as we are, that is the dream I have.

Would you like to receive information about how we work? Get in touch with us, the Ontruck team will be happy to help you!

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